Bottle Cap (item)


The Bottle Cap maximizes one IV stat of a Pokémon in Hyper Training, when given to Mr. Hyper.

Game locations

Sorry, we don't have location data just yet.

Game descriptions

Ultra Sun​/​Ultra Moon
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a silver gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a silver gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
Scarlet​/​Violet A lovely silver bottle cap. Certain people are delighted to be given one of these.

Other languages

English Bottle Cap
Japanese ぎんのおうかん
German Silberkronkorken
French Capsule d’Argent
Italian Tappo d’argento
Spanish Chapa Plateada
Korean 은색병뚜껑
Chinese (Simplified) 银色王冠
Chinese (Traditional) 銀色王冠