Ripen (ability)


Doubles the effect of berries.

Game descriptions

Ripens Berries and doubles their effect.
Scarlet​/​Violet Ripens Berries and doubles their effect.

Other languages

English Ripen
Japanese じゅくせい
German Heranreifen
French Mûrissement
Italian Maturazione
Spanish Maduración
Korean 숙성
Chinese (Simplified) 熟成
Chinese (Traditional) 熟成

Pokémon with Ripen

2nd ability
Hidden ability
Applin 0840 Applin Gluttony Bulletproof
Flapple 0841 Flapple Gluttony Hustle
Appletun 0842 Appletun Gluttony Thick Fat

Ripen as a hidden ability

No Pokémon have Ripen as a hidden ability.