PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Mr. Fish (page 1)

Haha yeah. I think (if I’m around for the next name change that is) that I’m gonna change my name to Quod Guido. That’s Latin for That Guy
May 24 by This Guy
Omg who are you and how were you the only person to remember my birthday?
May 22 by A typical glance.
do you not understand familial, platonic love

I love that fennekin like my own child

but I can see u don’t know nun bout thaaaaat
May 20 by MangoBrick
Oh damn
May 20 by Icyyyy
Omg lmao
Fun fact I am always the one confessing first smh
May 20 by Icyyyy
Mhm! Very!
May 19 by Icyyyy
May 19 by Icyyyy
He is very friendly and a easy going laid back person we've been together now like going on 6months
May 19 by Icyyyy