Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Feel free to send staff suggestions for links to include here.

Click here to access other questions in the PokeBase starter's guide.


1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer


Direct link to the Showdown server. Link to Discord verification thread.

Pokemon Database Showdown server

PokeBase Discord server

Useful resources

This is an extension of the starter's guide, where you can already find many resources.

Resources for answering questions: Community-contributed collection of sources which can be used to answer questions. Feel free to add your knowledge.

Outdated/unresolved question list: A collection of questions that require a new/updated answer.

Resources for non-covered content on PokeBase: External links for content that isn't covered by PokeBase's three main sections.

Re-send PokeBase email confirmation link: Does what it says.

Useful resources for RMT: Threads and guides concerning the RMT section.

Internet safety on PokeBase: Info and resources for privacy and safety on PokeBase.

Common repeat questions: Common question types which are repeated often and have the same answers.

Documentation for endless questions on PokeBase: Records endless questions on the main section, and allows users to suggest new endless questions.

Guidelines for msq moveset questions: Rules that must be followed when posting movesets on one of the endless moveset questions. Also includes protocol for how the threads are organised.

Tournament guidelines and suggestions: For suggesting new tournaments to be played by the community. (Hall of Fame; Hosting guide; Player guidelines)


New Meta threads covered by these topics will be closed and sent to one of these posts.

Hidden post appeals: Post here if you want to contest the decision to hide your post (or for more information on why it was removed).

Reporting users: If anything or anyone is causing trouble on PokeBase, use the form linked in this thread to tell staff. (You may also contact us on Discord.)

Minor site errors: For reporting mistakes on the database that don't justify a separate Meta thread.

Name origin errors: For reporting mistakes and points of contention in PokemonDB's name origin guides.

Location guide errors: For reporting errors on PokemonDB's location guide.

Advertisement reports: If you see an inappropriate ad on PokemonDB, you can report it here.

Profile reports: If you find inappropriate content on a user's account page, link it here so it can be removed.

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