
Bramblin is a Grass/Ghost type Pokémon introduced in Generation 9.

Evolves into Brambleghast.

Pokédex data

National № 0946
Type Grass Ghost
Species Tumbleweed Pokémon
Height 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs)
Abilities 1. Wind Rider
Infiltrator (hidden ability)
Local № 0242 (Scarlet/Violet)


EV yield 1 Attack
Catch rate 190 (24.8% with PokéBall, full HP)
Base Friendship 50 (normal)
Base Exp. 55
Growth Rate Medium Fast


Egg Groups Grass
Gender 50% male, 50% female
Egg cycles 20 (4,884–5,140 steps)

Base stats

HP 40
190 284
Attack 65
121 251
Defense 30
58 174
Sp. Atk 45
85 207
Sp. Def 35
67 185
Speed 60
112 240
Total 275 Min Max

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.

Type defenses

The effectiveness of each type on Bramblin.

Evolution chart

(walk 1,000 steps in Let's Go mode)

Pokédex entries

Scarlet A soul unable to move on to the afterlife was blown around by the wind until it got tangled up with dried grass and became a Pokémon.
Violet Not even Bramblin knows where it is headed as it tumbles across the wilderness, blown by the wind. It loathes getting wet.

Moves learned by Bramblin

Moves learnt by level up

Bramblin learns the following moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet at the levels specified.

1AstonishGhostPhysical 30 100
1Defense CurlNormalStatus
1RolloutRockPhysical 30 90
5AbsorbGrassSpecial 20 100
9Rapid SpinNormalPhysical 50 100
13Bullet SeedGrassPhysical 25 100
17InfestationBugSpecial 20 100
21HexGhostSpecial 65 100
25Mega DrainGrassSpecial 40 100
29DisableNormalStatus 100
35Phantom ForceGhostPhysical 90 100
40Giga DrainGrassSpecial 75 100
50Pain SplitNormalStatus
55Power WhipGrassPhysical 120 85

Egg moves

Bramblin learns the following moves via breeding or picnics in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Bramblin gen 9 learnset page.

Beat UpDarkPhysical 100
Leech SeedGrassStatus 90
Shadow SneakGhostPhysical 40 100
Strength SapGrassStatus 100

Moves learnt by TM

Bramblin is compatible with these Technical Machines in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:

Bramblin sprites

Type Generation 9
Normal Bramblin sprite from Scarlet & Violet

Where to find Bramblin

Answers to Bramblin questions

Other languages

English Bramblin
Japanese アノクサ
German Weherba
French Virovent
Italian Bramblin
Spanish Bramblin
Korean 그푸리
Chinese (Simplified) 纳噬草
Chinese (Traditional) 納噬草


English Tumbleweed Pokémon
Japanese ころがりぐさポケモン
German Rollgras-Pokémon
French Pokémon Virevoltant
Italian Pokémon Rotolerba
Spanish Pokémon Estepicursor
Korean 회전초포켓몬
Chinese (Simplified) 滚草宝可梦
Chinese (Traditional) 滾草寶可夢

Name origin

prickly weeds
walking, hiking