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They dolls that can be gained are:
-Bulbasaur Doll
-Charmander Doll
-Clefairy Doll
-Diglett Doll
-Gengar Doll
-Geodude Doll
-Grimer Doll
-Jigglypuff Doll
-Machop Doll
-Magikarp Doll
-Oddish Doll
-Pikachu Doll
-Poliwag Doll
-Shellder Doll
-Squirtle Doll
-Staryu Doll
-Surf Pikachu Doll
-Tentacool Doll
-Unown Doll
-Voltorb Doll
-Weedle Doll
-Gold Trophy(not a doll but a decoration)
-Silver Trophy(not a doll but a decoration)
-Big Lapras Doll
-Big Onix Doll
-Big Snorlax Doll
They can be gotten from your mother buying them with your money(when you allow her to save up your money) but they can also be gotten from mystery gift transfer from Pokemon stadium 2.
Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dolls

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