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In Fire-Red, are the stats(Nature ect) determined when you receive the fossil, or when you revive it at the cinnabar islands? Thanks!

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1 Answer

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Best answer

They are determined when you recieve the Pokemon revived. In B/W I had an Archen with an awful nature. I shut my game off and received it again; it had a different nature. So, again It's determined when you get the revived form.

Source: Experience and two online sources that said so.


I lost the other one, sorry.

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Assume? A more accurate source would be appreciated, if your not 100% sure. Though your answer does make sense, as the transition from item to pokemon might would mean its stats would probably be determined then.
I don't have another source right now, I'll look for one.
Umm, Can you link the sources? xD
Sure lol I forgot. But they don't lead to Gen 3 sources. One's Gen 5, one's Gen 4.
Probably the same mechanic
The sources?
Oops. Had to leave. I'll put it in.