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i ones use the orb to take all itemns and all Pokemon transformed into kecleon there were like 4 klekons


2 Answers

2 votes


Once you rob an item, kecleons start naturally spawning all over the dungeon really quickly. If you're strong enough, you may be able to KO some kecleons and within minutes, over 20 of them will spawn surrounding you. People purposely steal items if they want to recruit kecleon since so many spawn at once. However, the chance of recruiting a kecleon is extremely low, about a 0.5% chance.

no BA now but 1+ for all
btw Teod that's untrue. You can still answeer a Q if it has BA, if you think you can do better.
all fair now
sorry, my mistake.Sorry guys
All I saw was 1 Kecleon.I think that was because I was too weak.
1 vote

No.If you steal from a Kecleon,the Kecleon calls Back-up to help him get the thief (you).So the Back-up is more Kecleon

No prob ;)