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16 votes

What are the best locations for getting Effort Values in Speed?

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8 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

R/S/E: Meteor Falls/Cave of Origin. Zubat Zubat Zubat everywhere~.

Fr/Lg: Route 1/Diglett Cave. All possible spawns give speed evs.

D/P/Pt: Old Rod/Route 227. Old Rod will always catch Magikarp, and 227 surfing only encounters Poliwags and Poliwhirls.

Hg/Ss: Sprout Tower/Blackthorn City. Sprout Tower only spawns Ratattas during the day, and Blackthorn City only gives Speed ev Pokemon when fishing.

B/W: Striaton City/Route 1/3/6. All locations have 100% Basculin encounters while surfing.

B2/W2 Route 19. 50% encounter Purrloin in grass and 100% Basculin while surfing.

X/Y: Route 15/16/8. 15 and 16 have 60% Murkrow Horde encounters. 8 has 60% Wingull and 5 percent Tailow.

OR/AS: Meteor Falls/Scorched Slab/Seafloor Cavern/Cave of Origin. 100% Zubat Horde Encounters.

S/M/US/UM: Route 2. SoS chain Spearow for double the evs per month defeated.

Sw/Sh: Route 2. Arrokuda and Barraskewda are quite common on the lake while surfing.

S/V: East Province Area 1/2. Cyclizar is a rather rare encounter, but sandwiches that increase its Spawn chances nullify that drastically, plus it gives 2 speed evs and is easy to see many in the open fields.

Hope this helps.

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13 votes


If you surf on Rotue 227 or Route 228, then the only Pokemon you'll encounter are Poliwag (1 EV) and Poliwhirl (2 EVs).
You can also try Starly (1 EV) on Route 201.
Or there are plenty of Pokemon in the Trophy Garden: Pikachu (2 EVs), Pichu (1 EV) and Staravia (2 EVs) are fairly common, and some of the daily Pokemon give off Speed EVs too.


Route 9 is great! You get Rattata (1 EV), Raticate (2 EVs), Spearow (1 EV) and Fearow (2 EVs).

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Please add that if you surf in Mt. Coronet, the only Pokemon that can be encountered are Zubat (1 EV) and Golbat (2 EVs).
7 votes

Black / White:

Roggerola 1 Def EV
Woobats 1 EV

Basculin 2 EVs (surf)
Feebas 1 EV (bubble)
Milotic 2 SDef EVs (bubble)

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4 votes

Pokemon black/white
Okay,one awnser:BASCULIN
Those things are EVERYWHERE in the water and they give 2 speed evs's!

2 votes

Black/White 2 - Speed spots

Surfing in many places yields 100% Basculin (2 EVs). Two such places are Route 1 and Wellspring Cave.

Note in Route 1, Feebas (1 EVs) is in bubbling spots but avoid Milotic (2 Sp.Def EVs).

I strongly suggest Marvelous Bridge. You'll find 100% of Swanna (2 EVs) and in the mean time you can collect a lot of Wings that can help with your EV training.
1 vote

Heart Gold / Soul Silver *

  • Fly to Mt. Silver and Surf in the little pond, where you will find mostly Poliwhirls (2 Speed EVs) and occasional Poliwags (1 Speed EV).*
  • Both Poliwhirls and Poliwags you find will be around the Lv. 40s, so don't die!
1 vote

RSE locations:

Any rod at Route 104: Magikarp (1 EV)
Walking at Seafloor Cavern: Zubat (1 EV), Golbat (2 EVs)
Surfing at Victory Road: Golbat (2 EVs)
Walking at Altering Cave: Zubat (1 EV) (Altering Cave doesn't work in Ruby or Sapphire)
Walking at Artisan Cave: Smeargle (1 EV) (Artisan Cave doesn't work in Ruby or Sapphire)

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0 votes

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Rookidee on Route 1, connecting to Postwick and Wedgehurst.
