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Would this work: A rhyperior with lightning rod and a Lumineon with storm drain. I realize the grass weakness, but I will have a remedy for that....

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did you get this idea from the restaurant at valor lakefront?

2 Answers

4 votes

Gastrodon is not weak to Electric, being a ground type, and Gastrodon sucks, overall, I would just put Solid Rock On Rhyperior, It would reduce the damage taken from ALL of his weaknesses:)

i know that this is like an old comment but this aged badly
1 vote

Theoretically yes, as the general idea is clever, but not with these Pokemon as:

  • Lumineon would have to compete in a tier that it could not hold its own.
  • Attacks that hit numerous opponents are popular, such as Surf and Discharge, these attacks would destroy Rhyperior and Lumineon.
  • Strategies like this can only excel by using these abilities to their full potential and here is a reason why this team cannot do this.


  • Strom Drain can increase a Pokemon's SP.ATK if hit by a WAT attack but Surf would be a waste on Rhyperior due to a SP.ATK stat of 55 and the move not even having STAB.
  • If Lumineon was a ground type Pokemon then Lighting Rod would not be needed on Rhyperior for Lumineon's protection and then Lighting Rod would be a waste on Rhyperior as, being a ground type Pokemon, neither Pokemon would be damaged by an electric attack.


  • [REPEAT] If Lumineon was a ground type Pokemon then Lighting Rod would not be needed on Rhyperior for Lumineon's protection and then Lighting Rod would be a waste on Rhyperior as, being a ground type Pokemon, neither Pokemon would be damaged by an electric attack.
  • Lumineon can't take hits or dish them out so can easily be replaced by another Storm Drainer.


Lanturn@Leftovers/Air Balloon/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)

  • Discharge - Powerful STAB electric attack that hits all Pokemon but doesn't affect Gastrodon.
  • Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and increases Gastrodon's special attack by 1 stage.
  • Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.
  • Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.


Gastrodon@Leftovers/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)

  • Earth Power- Powerful STAB ground move that is unexpected (because it is a special attack) allowing Gastrodon to easily cripple certain physical walls (Mega-Aggron, Steelix, Avalugg, Aggron, Onix, Doublade, Lairon, Tokoal, Carracosta, Golem, Relicanth and Rhyperior).
  • Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores Lanturn's HP by 25%.
  • Ice Beam - Powerful ice type attack that covers Gastrodon's only weakness, GRA [4x].
  • Recover - Restores 50% of Gastrodon's HP.


Lanturn@Leftovers/Air Balloon/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)

  • Discharge - Powerful STAB electric attack that hits all Pokemon but doesn't affect Gastrodon.
  • Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and increases Gastrodon's special attack by 1 stage.
  • Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.
  • Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.


Seismitoad@Leftovers/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SP.ATK, 4 HP
Nature: Adamant (+ATK, -SP.ATK)
Characteristic: Takes Plenty Of Siestas (+HP, 31 IVs)

  • Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores Lanturn's HP by 25%.
  • Hyper Voice - Powerful move that hits both opponents and strikes neutral on a lot of Pokemon.
  • Earthquake - Powerful STAB ground attack that hits all Pokemon but not Lanturn because it has an Air Balloon.
  • Rock Slide - Powerful move that hits both opponents with a chance to flinch.


Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)

  • Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores 25% of Jellicent's HP.
  • Signal Beam/Ice Beam/Air Slash [DOROT] - Powerful bug attack that gives type coverage and covers team's GRA weakness and Jellicent's DAR weakness/powerful ice attack that gives type coverage and covers team's GRA weakness/powerful flying attack that gives type coverage and covers team's GRA weakness with a chance to flinch [30%] if the target hasn't yet moved.
  • Toxic - Weakens the opponent every turn - perfect tactic for Suicune's and Jellicent's bulk and recovery moves.
  • Aqua Ring Restores 1/16 th of HP every turn.


Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)

  • Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores 25% of Suicune's HP.
  • Hex - STAB ghost move that becomes extremely powerful if the target has a status condition [BRN or POI].
  • Giga Drain/Will-O-Wisp - Powerful grass type move that recovers HP/weakens the opponent every turn and halves their attack .
  • Recover - Restores 50% of Jellicent's HP.

[IOYC] = Item Of Your Choice
[DOROT] = Dependant On Rest Of Team

Should point out that Water Absorb Suicune (and the other legendary beasts with Volt Absorb and Flash Fire) are illegal. There is absolutely no way to obtain them, and after gen 6 they got changed to Inner Focus