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I couldn't find this, please do link if already asked, I'll hide this question.

Based on Terrain, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Moon Blast or Psychic. When it does so, does it gain the 50% boost as well? By logic it should, but I'd like a concrete answer.

According to Pokémon showdown It seems to, but showdown doesn’t always perfectly match the games. That’s the best answer I’ve got
Thanks a bunch for bringing my attention to this old post that I didn't see was resolved!

And yes, I do accept what Showdown says, their team works very hard to be as realistic as possible and most of my battling is done there anyway haha.

Thanks again!

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

As long as the user is on the ground (i.e. not Flying-type, has an ability that is not Levitate, is not holding Air Balloon, has not used Magnet Rise, and has not been hit by Telekinesis; or otherwise if it's holding an Iron Ball or been hit by Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, or Gravity), a Nature Power that becomes Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, or Psychic will receive its respective terrain boost.

Unlike the others, Misty Terrain does not boost Fairy attacks, only weakens Dragon ones, so a Nature Power that becomes Moonblast has no corresponding boost.

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I'm so sorry I didn't see this answer/post and kinda forgot about it. Thanks a bunch!
It's worth noting that in Sword and Shield, the terrain boost is only 30% now, so doing this results in a less powerful move. The negative terrain penalty is still 50%, for dragon moves in Misty Terrain or Earthquake in Grassy.