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For example, the Razor Claw is available in Victory Road and Route 224.

Please add all ways to access the pre evolution too, for example magby only being available if you have a Leaf Green copy in your Slot 2 on your Ds.


1 Answer

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Gallade: Get Poké Radar after getting the National Dex and beating the champion and find male Ralts by using the Poké Radar on Route 203 or 204. Dawn Stone is found in Mt. Coronet.
Gligar: Can be found by using Dual-slot mode from an Emerald cartridge for Routes 206, 207, 214, 215, 227 and Stark Mountain. Razor Fang is found in the Battle Park.
Nosepass: Appears as a Swarm Pokémon in Route 206.
Lickitung: Appears as a Swarm Pokémon in Lake Valor.
Eevee: From Bebe in Hearthome City after getting the National Dex or finding it at Trophy Garden after getting the National Dex. Fire, Water and Thunder Stones are found in Fuego Ironworks, Route 213 and Sunyshore City.
Togepi: Appears from the Poké Radar in Route 230. Shiny Stone is found in Iron Island.
Magnemite: Appears as a Swarm Pokémon at Fuego Ironworks.
Tangela: Unavailable. (Trade from Platinum)
Yanma: Appears in the Great Marsh without getting the National Dex.
Rhyhorn: Route 227 and Stark Mountain. Protector is found in Route 228.
Duskull: Appears from the Poké Radar in Route 224. Reaper Cloth is found in Route 229.
Porygon: Trophy Garden after getting the National Dex. Up-Grade and Dubious Disc are found in Eterna City and Route 225.
Elekid: Can be found via Dual-slot mode from a FireRed cartridge in Route 205 and Valley Windworks. Electirizer is found from a wild Elekid holding it. (50% chance in Diamond and 5% chance in Pearl)
Magby: Can be found via Dual-slot mode from a LeafGreen cartridge in Route 227 and Stark Mountain. Magmarizer is found from a Magby holding it. (50% chance in Pearl and 5% chance in Diamond)
Swinub: Appears as a Swarm Pokémon in Route 217.
Snorunt: Appears from the Poké Radar in Routes 216, 217 and Acuity Lakefront. Dawn Stone is found in Mt. Coronet.
Sneasel: Found in Routes 216 and 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity and Snowpoint Temple. Razor Claw is found in Victory Road.

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Please add Sneasel and the location of the items necessary to evolve the Pokemon that evolve with items.
Thank you!