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It has 4x weakness to Ground and weakness to Fighting- and Water-type moves.

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J already gave you the link to Heatran's dex page so refer to that if you want more details. i'll instead try to summarize why Heatran is that good of a mon based on personal experience

First off is Heatran's typing. In terms of weakness, the frog is just about vulnerable to the most common types in the tier, however, those very same types don't really switch into Heatran that easily. Part of the reason why is toxic. Even something like Garchomp, a Pokemon who resists magma miss, would just get crippled and worn down very quickly because of the poison. Heatran doesn't carry toxic all the time but what it does carry in nearly all battles is magma miss. While the damage can easily be ignored by resists, what makes it really threatening is that it traps its target and deals a chip damage of twelve percent. This trap is further compounded by its access to taunt, which allows it to trap and kill defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex and Slowbro. The standard set that Heatran runs is usually magma miss, taunt, earth power and toxic. The first three moves are to remove most defensive mons while toxic is to cripple those it can't reliably remove such as Garchomp, Landorus and Urshifu

While on the topic of typing, even though Heatran is vulnerable to nearly every relevant ou threat, it's typing provides incredible defensive utility especially combined with its stats and abilities. The most common ability used is flash fire, which pretty much allows it to ignore its neutrality to fire. It can also afford to run flame body and the main target here is usually Weavile. Because of Heatran's steel typing, it can act as a check to many threats like Melmetal, Lele, Koko and to an extent, Kartana. However, given that these mons carry moves to kill it and Heatran's own vulnerability to knock off, it cannot check these threats throughout the course of a game so its teammates will have to pick up the slack

Recently, another set of Heatran emerged, the balloon rocker. This set aims to heavily damage or outright kill defoggers and maintain steatlh rock on the field. This set usually consists of magma miss, eruption, earth power and whatever move it wants. The evs on this set is max speed and max spa, nature between modest and timid would depend on the user. Because of the balloon, Heatran becomes more difficult to deal with as not every team will have an offensive water on their team and as long as the frog is healthy, it can fire off max power eruptions which most defoggers, Landorus, Tornadus and Corviknight, don't want to take. This set does need to be played carefully otherwise you just end up having a frog with little defensive utility due to lack of evs. Perhaps most importantly, this set completely craps on the standard trapper Heatran set mentioned earlier

Lastly, there is also a third and incredibly rare set of Heatran, choice specs. This set is usually used on sun teams where its specs eruption would pretty much just two shot everything, even resists. However, since sun teams are very rare, this set is rare as well

All in all, Heatran doesn't really have that much variation in sets but the threat that the two common ones pose combined with its defensive utility makes it a top tier threat. Really, just imagine bulky waters like Toxapex and Slowbro dying to a frog who's typing they should resist. That happened a lot that some time after the Cinderace and Magerna ban, there were talks on smogon about banning the damn frog. Oh, and it completely craps on Volcarona

Tldr, Heatran's steel typing, ability, and trapping set makes it a threat that should be accounted for. While you are naturally gonna put in checks when building a team, those checks aren't that foolproof and Heatran is still gonna give you one hell of a time

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Garchomp doesn’t actually resist Toxic, but other than that minor gripe, this seems to be mostly accurate
Toxic is a status move. It can't be resisted. I was referring to how Garchomp resists magma miss
I'm gonna start calling every 75% accurate move 'miss' now.

Roar of Miss
Any move that isn't a hundred percent accurate is a miss move. Dual wingmiss, dual miss, scale miss, toxmiss, whatever else one can think of
Miss Pump and Miss Blast
Stone miss as well, probably the second most infamous. And I think it is called focus miss instead of miss blast. You look up focus miss or stone miss on google and the first results is always related to this nigh perfect accuracy moves
I was talking about fire blast
Oh never mind. I thought you were referring to focus miss