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Blissey is OU in BDSP and the only that makes Chansey "worse" than Blissey is that it has to use its item slot on eviolite. In fact, the last time I regularly played Showdown! Blissey was UU and Chansey was OU. What made such a difference? Did Knock Off's popularity really warant Chansey dropping two whole tiers?


1 Answer

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The Eviolite alongside most other post-Gen 4 Items are not in BDSP. That would be why Blissey is better.

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lmao really? Wow BDSP is more of a shithole than I thought
A bit *too* faithful to the originals, unfortunately.
They're so faithful that they kept the void glitch and added a new version of the early Sunyshore glitch.
@sumwun so faithful that most of the gym leaders' teams don't even use most of their respective types.  I'm probably not going to get BDSP since the competitive scene there isn't very active anyway and no PLA because there is no online battling at all.  Really hoping for something different in Scarlet/Violet