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I've seen a lot of Duraludon movesets, and almost none of them had Light Screen or Reflect.

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What format/rules are you asking about?
The simple reason is that Duraludon has other, better moves to satisfy its effectiveness on a usual team. On the whole, it doesn't appreciate running Reflect + Light Screen, as it is mainly used as a revenge killer or wallbreaker. It doesn't have free/filler moveslots which it can sacrifice to run dual screens.
Reflect and Light Screen can not be slapped on any Pokémon knowing the moves. There are some conditions that an appropriate defensive (such as ORAS Klefki) and/or offensive (usually a suicide lead, examples include Grimmsnarl) dual screen setter would need to fulfil.
If this is for Smogon SS NU, then it's because Screens are pretty bad as light clay is banned.
@carnelian thanks
you can make that an answer if you want
that basically answers my question
I’d rather that someone who knows more about the lower tiers answers this. What I said was really rough on the whole.
well Grimmsnarl and Klefki have Pranskter that makes status moves priority which Duraludon does not have.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

I'm going to answer this for why Duraludon doesn't run Light Screen and Reflect in NU, as Duraludon is a PUBL Pokemon who has viability in NU. There are 3 main reasons for this.

1. Duraludon's role is a Wallbreaker

Duraludon is used as a Wallbreaker with its excellent coverage moves. For those who don't play NU, Duraludon's coverage is actually pretty good for NU's standards. Draco Meteor just being a strong move in general, Flash Cannon for Fairy-types, Thunderbolt for Water-types like Vaporeon and Mantine, and Body Press for Steel-types like Copperajah and Stakataka. Duraludon is used as an Expert Belt wallbreaker or a Draco Meteor + Eject Pack wallbreaker. Duraludon running Light Screen and Reflect means it would have to give up two of its coverage moves, which isn't really desirable for it.

2. Before the Light Clay Ban, there was a better dual screener

Another reason Duraludon didn't use Light Screen and Reflect pre Light Clay ban was because it would be outclassed by a Screens Pokemon named Xatu.

Xatu was the premier Screens setter for Screens HO when Light Clay was allowed in NU. The reason was for it due to having Magic Bounce to prevent hazards from going on your side and Defoggers from getting rid of your screens, as well as having the most important reason, Teleport. Teleport would generate momentum and would allow you to bring in a teammate safely. Technically, Duraludon could've used Steel Beam with Light Screen and Reflect, but it wouldn't provide the same utility Xatu had.

3. Light Clay is banned

UU had banned Light Clay a while ago, and that ban effect means Light Clay isn't useable in NU. This made Screens HO not as good when Light Clay was banned. Even if you wanted to make Screens HO in NU without Light Clay, Xatu would still be used for Light Screen and Reflect. Heck, you could even make Grimmsnarl a Screens setter since it has Prankster and Taunt. A Grimmsnarl set with Eject Pack, Light Screen, Reflect, and Superpower could be a cool tech to help generate momentum.

TL;DR Duraludon doesn't run Light Screen and Reflect because it serves as a wallbreaker utilizing its coverage, and Xatu outclassed it as a Screens setter, before and even after the Light Clay ban.

Do note this just covered NU, but for other formats Duraludon is viable (which would be Monotype and National Dex Monotype on Dragon-type teams), Duraludon is used as a Choice Scarf Pokemon to be able to revenge kill Pokemon.

Hope this helps! :)

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–2 votes

here's why:
Reflect: Duraludon's base defense is already ok at 115, and using it might be exposing yourself to a special attack.

Light screen is great with Duraludon's bad Sp.def at 50 base, it will mean 71 base stat at Lv 50 in the battle tower (Thats the only reason how you know Duraludon, you play sword and shield) and that would go to a ok 105
or around Duraludon's defense...
However, that is with 31 points of IV!
Without the IV boost, you can't reach a hundred points of sp. def!

In the end, there are much better moves out there for duraludon, and light screen is probably not for it.

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This is an overly simplistic way of looking at the competitive game. Grimmsnarl is a prominent screens setter in many formats but it has 65 / 75 defences. There are plenty more factors involved.
IVs aren't worth mentioning because competitive players assume perfect IVs.
@magius Do you want me to put this question back on the unanswered list?
That's because Grimmsnarl has Prankster, which makes status moves go first with increased priority. Duraludon doesn't have this to its advantage.
@sumwun yeah
I'll reshow it later when this gets a new answer. I prefer not to convert to a comment, because this sort of response is still an "answer" not a comment.