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Im doing a replay of BD, and decided to use Shedinja for my Team. I trained it to level 30, so it learned shadow sneak. I decided to put it against a Pokemon of the same level and is weak to shedinja. When I used Shadow Sneak, it barely did damage. Appearing as if the STAB affect didnt work. I don’t know if this a change that BDSP made or if I'm doing something wrong. My Shedinjas attack stat has been EV trained, nor does it have an attack weakening nature.

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What Pokemon did you use the move on and how/where did you encounter it? What proportion of the health bar did the attack take off?
The problem is not related to STAB.
Stab was not removed or reworked in BDSP. Shedinja has extremely low attack stats, and it is not a surprise that a 40 BP move did almost no damage
What level was your target when you used shadow sneak?
Regardless of the level, the problem is most likely caused by shadow sneak's low base power. You should use shadow claw or phantom force if you want to do more damage.

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Stab did affect it, its probably because the opposing Pokemon has high defense and shadow sneak is only 40bp.

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