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I'm using scizor in competitive and he is a big part in my strategy and I'm worried about his fire weakness is there something to help me out

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Occa berries reduce fire damage, but that might be unhelpful given Scizor's low HP and special defense stats. In most competitive formats/rules, Scizor is better off doing damage as quickly as possible.
Scizor is usually used as a hyper offensive character, planning for defense isn't really a successful tactic
Just switch out.
Usually the answer to a Pokemon with a really bad weakness is a second Pokemon that is both Super Effective against that typing, and recieves Not Very Effective from that typing.  So if you're worried about Fire attacks taking down your Scizor, you should probably consider using a strong Water type.

Historically, Scizor enjoys being on a Rain team, because in addition to Rain reducing the damage of Fire type attacks, it is mostly Water type Pokemon that fill out a Rain team, making Fire types a rather poor choice against such teams.

You could try a bulky Weakness Policy set, I suppose, but Scizor really doesn't have the stats to be bulky.  Weakness Policy would not reduce the damage from a Super Effective attack, but it will be consumed when hit by one, increasing the holder's Attack and Special Attack.  This can get you "over the hump" to bring down whatever hit you for Super Effective.
What exactly is your strategy with Scizor?

1 Answer

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The only options availabile to you are:

Use an Occa Berry to reduce the damage once from 4x to 2x. This likely isn't a great option for a lot of reasons. This is the only item option you have.

Terastalizing (even into Bug or Steel), will reduce the incoming Fire Damage, but this will add other weaknesses. You could choose Dragon typing to resist the fire Weakness, and with Tera Blast and Bullet Punch, you'd have STAB coverage against your new weaknesses of Dragon, Fairy and Ice Types.

Skill Swapping Heatproof off of Bronzong will cut the damage in half at the cost of Technician.

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How do you know there are no other options?
How do I know that there are no other item options? Are you asking me to argue the negative?
yes (filler)