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I used MetalKid’s iv calculation and filled out my Gardevoir’s ivs to find out her stats and it said

HP must be between 158 and 178.
Att must be between 77 and 95.
SpA must be between 162 and 182.
Spe must be between 105 and 125.

Her stats indeed are higher than those. Attached is picture of her actual stats in the game. I dont believe I have used any vitamins on her yet.

I can understand her ev might have influent her stats being higher but why does calculator say it is impossible. Any explanations would be appreciated. Thank you


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You set gardevoirs level to 5

Let me know if that’s enough for an answer, lol
No. At the row of where i inputted stats, the level is inputted 63
I see where you are looking at. I changed default level to 63. Results are the same. I removed ground as the hidden power type (although it is confirmed the guy at veilstone city said so) and the calculator only could validated two ivs and says 31iv for SpD but its not possible. The pokemon Judge at battle tower said SpA is the highest and is fantastic so my Gardevoir has no perfect IV.
Try using this IV calculator and share what happens.

Can you try feeding EV berries to this Gardevoir until none of its stats can go any lower?
It's almost definitely because of its EVs

1 Answer

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When you don't put EVs into these calculators, they assume all of your Pokemon's EVs are 0. 158 to 178 is indeed the legal range for Gardevoir's HP at level 63 with 0 EVs. If your Gardevoir does have EVs, then the calculator is going to give strange-looking results.

For your reference, I've listed the legal range for Calm Gardevoir's stats at level 63. The lower bound uses 0 IVs with 0 EVs and the upper bound uses 31 IVs with 255 EVs. (The upper bound stats cannot occur simultaneously because there cannot be 255 EVs in every stat.)

  • HP: 158 to 217
  • Atk: 77 to 131
  • Def: 86 to 146
  • SpA: 162 to 221
  • SpD: 163 to 229
  • Spe: 105 to 165

Using IV calculators is a waste of time if you don't know your Pokemon's EVs. To get a helpful result, there must be only one variable: IVs.

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