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Does anyone know about a double printer Battle Reporter 88/111. I have 2 of them and I have seen 2 more online.

You can use various sites to upload photos to, and copy the link here. For example, Instagram, imgur, and discord. I personally use discord, but a popular anonymous website to upload photos is https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/210076663-Uploading-Content
You’d upload to a site, copy the link web address, and post it here so that we can see what you mean
Thanks for the photo! It looks like this is a fake card, according to https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/G6eiRoAcb5
Someone exclaimed they got the card from a fake card package, and they got that card. Do you recall where you got that card from?
Someone in the thread also suggests to get the card graded to confirm if it’s authentic or not, which I agree would be a good idea. If it’s fake, the card grader should just send it back. If not, you’ll have confirmation that it’s real.
Thank you so much I will send it to be authenticated. I really have no clue about Pokémon.  I ended up with a stack of them and I just don’t know what to do with them.  I have been trying to read up about them on line and it seems I have a few rare a super rare and maybe a few others. Very confusing lol
Keep us updated on if it’s authentic or not! Definitely send the potentially rare or valuable ones to be graded :)

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