Pokémon Rate My Team
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(Hawaii lol) Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ev's : 252 SpA, 196 SpD, 60 Def
Ability : Flash Fire
Bold Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Ancient Power
- Will O' Wisp

Heatran is a staple in any gen 7 mono steel / fire team, air balloon to protect it from Garchomps with earthquake if it's air balloon is popped by any other mons and mixed Def / SpD stats along with Ancient Power in order to make heatran basically an unkillable god and a dangerous attacker

(Star Dew) Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ev's : 248 SpA, 8 Def, 252 Speed
Ability : Serene Grace
Calm Nature
- Ancient Power
- Doom Desire
- Toxic
- Psyshock

Jirachi is here as another Ancient Power setup sweeper, Doom desire for some preemptive switchin damage, psyshock to counter SpD walls and toxic to apply pressure serene grace for 2x chance for ancient boosts (20%, which can give about 3x ancient power boosts A.K.A 2.5x everything) Calm to boosts his weaker defense stat

Raiden (Lucario) @ Life Orb
Evs : 220 Atk, 36 SpD, 252 Speed
Ability : Justified
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat

Lucario is a replacement for NDM who I would have used should they have been allowed but Alas no, Meteor Mash for a potential atk boost, Bulllet Punch for stab and priority on top of LO boost making it decently powerful, Swords dance for if i predict a switch out or if I’m against and Electric / Ice type team or the like and Close combat for a heavy hitting move

Now son (Ferrothorn) @ Rocky Helmet
Evs : 252 SpD, 252 Hp, 4 Def
Ability : Iron Barbs
Relaxed Nature
- Leech seed
- Gyro Ball
- Spikes
- stealth rock

Ferrothorn is a hazard setter + chipper gyro ball for heavy damage as it deals more damage the slower you are, Spikes for extra chip on top of leech seed and stealth rock, rocky helmet + iron barbs for big damage for pesky phys attackers causing them to hurt themselves more than me

Paramon (Togedemaru) @ focus sash
Evs : 252 Speed, 126 Def, 126 SpD
Ability : Iron Barbs
Jolly Nature
- Nuzzle
- Spiky Shield
- Volt Switch
- Electroweb

As the name suggest togedemaru is my paralysis abuser, nuzzle for a 100% para chance, spiky shield and iron barbs for a counter to physical attackers, focus sash for a guaranteed electroweb and chip from Iron barbs and 126 in both defences to maximise the pressure from paralysis and Volt switch for Pivoting

Kingdoms (Cobalion) @ Shuca berry
Evs : 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def
Ability : Justified
Jolly Nature
- Sacred Sword
- Taunt
- Thunder wave
- iron head

Cobalion is here for a strong attacker taunt to prevent opposing setup sweepers, thunder wave to prevent them from getting an attack of Iron head for flinch chance and sacred sword to remove Krookodiles and opposing rock types

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You also need Celesteela for a Steel/Flying type so you can have a Ground immunity.
Nvm I can’t even find the format.
That's because it's currently a Challenge only format unless it is an RoA spotlight. There are also Gen 7 Monotype tours in the Monotype room (and the RoA/Old Gens room?).
For what purpose? We can still play Gen 1 Formats but seriously? Challenge only?
"With the exception of spotlight ladders, old gen formats are typically challenge only, due to the fact PS focuses mainly on current gens. This includes Gen 8 as the most recent removal, with some exceptions as decided by format leaders. Not all formats playable on PS! can have a permanent ladder; recency of gen, popularity, and official status all go into consideration of whether or not to implement one.

If you don't see a ladder for a format you'd like to play, you can challenge someone to a battle directly or play a room tournament. You can also ask for old gen battles in the Ruins of Alph room and OM battles in the Other Metagames room.
Aliases: gen7, og, g7, oldgen"

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